Track 1: Earth and Environmental Sciences

  1. Petrology and Mineralogy
  2. Geophysics
  3. Geochemistry
  4. Stratigraphy and Paleontology
  5. Petroleum Geology
  6. Hydrology and Hydrogeology
  7. Remote Sensing and GIS
  8. Engineering Geology and Geo-hazards
  9. Structural Geology and Tectonics
  10. Geomorphology
  11. Economic Geology
  12. Mining Geology
  13. Geography
  14. Environmental Sciences

Track 2: Biological Sciences and Biotechnology

  1. Biodiversity
  2. Biological Taxonomy
  3. Immunology
  4. Histology and Embryology
  5. Plant and Animal Physiology
  6. Bacteriology
  7. Mycology
  8. Virology
  9. Biotechnology and Biochemistry
  10. Molecular Biology
  11. Genetics
  12. Proteomics
  13. Ecology

Track 3: Physical and Chemical Sciences

  1. Analytical and Inorganic Chemistry
  2. Organic, Biochemistry and Biophysics
  3. Physical and Electrical Sciences
  4. Materials Sciences
  5. Theoretical and Quantum Sciences
  6. Industrial Chemistry

Track 4: Mathematics and Statistics

  1. Statistics
  2. Differential Equations
  3. Functional
  4. Abstract Algebra
  5. Applied Mathematics
  6. Topology
  7. Numerical Analysis

Track 5: Medical Sciences

  1. Medicine and Surgery
  2. Pharmacy and pharmacology
  3. Dentistry and Oral Surgery
  4. Medical laboratories
  5. Nursing
  6. Diagnostic Radiology